The Huchen is a large and heavy member of the salmon family, and is a permanent inhabitant of the mountain and submountain reaches of the Danube and its tributaries. It has a long head, slightly flattened on top, and a jaw which extends far behind its eyes. Its back is brownish red or brownish green, often with a purple shade, whilst its sides have a reddish sheen. The belly is white and its sides are dotted with dark spots.
Young huchen are silvery in colour and resemble young trout. The huchen spawns in spring at a water temperature of between 6° and 8°C. Its spawning habits are similar to other members of the salmon family. Young huchen grow very fast; they feed on the larvae of water insects and begin to cat fish already when they arc 5 to 6 cm long. In the adult stage huchen catch only fish and other- invertebrates. In the River Kama in the European part of the USSR a close relative, the taimen (Hucho taimen), can be found, which achieves an even bigger size.
Maximum size and weight: 120 cm, 50 kg. Identifying characteristics: Long head, slightly flattened from above, jaw reaching behind eyes. Back brownish red or grey-green, sides with reddish sheen and numerous dark spots.
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